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Employee Spotlight: Ya’ara Dagoni

ECO-OS is excited to welcome Ya’ara Dagoni as the newest member of the company!

Quote from Ya'ara: "ESG reporting is a huge world and helping companies become more efficient is something I am looking forward to."

Before joining our team, Ya’ara made a big splash in the environmental community. From studying at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Kibbutz Ketura (which focuses on creating regional cooperation on environmental issues) to being a community organizer for the Green Course, Ya’ara practices what she preaches in advocating for a more peaceful and sustainable world.

We recently sat down with Ya’ara to learn more about her background and her role at ECO-OS:

What is your position at ECO-OS?

"I am a project manager with the Professional Services team at ECO-OS. That means I help with the planning, execution, and delivery of projects that help companies track, manage, and report their ESG data. One of my first tasks was a Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) disclosure for one of our biggest customers, gathering relevant company and site-level information to submit in their report.
Project managers are also the front line for customer questions. My job is to help our customers with any problems or questions that they may have. I help them with all of their needs and ensure that they have a great experience using the ECO-OS platform."

Tell us about your interest in the world of sustainability.

"I have always loved nature and felt close to it, especially since I travelled a lot with my family, but one particular experience has shifted this love into a major interest. Several years ago, I worked in a mango orchard and was surprised to see how many mangoes were being thrown away for not looking “perfect”. I couldn’t help but think of all of the energy, water, and effort that went into growing these mangoes, only to have them be tossed in a landfill. This made me more aware of the intersections between our economic system and the way we treat the environment. From that point on, my interest in this area grew, leading me to explore the wide and fascinating world of current environmental issues."

What can the ECO-OS team always count on you for?

"I always make sure that I follow-through on my assignments until they are complete. I don’t leave any empty spaces in the work that I do, and dive deep into specific sections to make sure that I don’t leave out any relevant information. Communication is very valuable to me, and I’m really happy to have landed in a company where open and transparent communication is practiced regularly."

What are some new things about ESG that you have learned?

"Something I learned is that CDP is extremely complicated and it forces companies to put a ton of effort into reporting ESG. It’s not as simple as clicking a button and requires real determination to better help your company through ESG reporting. I still have a lot to learn. ESG reporting is a huge world and helping companies become more efficient is something I am looking forward to."

Tell us a fun fact about you!

"I do a lot of yoga! I was exposed to it not so long ago and I got really into it. "

Already in her short term with us, it is clear that Ya’ara is extremely dedicated and puts all of her heart into everything that she does. We’re very excited to have her on board!

Ya'ara Dagoni against a nature backdrop with mountains and clouds



Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP): The CDP is an international organization that has set a framework of standards for environmental reporting, including climate change, water security, and deforestation. The CDP works with individual companies, cities, and large regions to report their environmental information and receive a score based on their responses, serving to benchmark their performance, promote transparency into their operations, and identify risks and opportunities related to climate change.

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG): A comprehensive framework used to evaluate a company's commitment to sustainable and ethical practices. ESG encompasses three key areas: Environmental factors, such as a company's carbon footprint, resource usage, and environmental stewardship; Social factors, including employee relations, community involvement, and human rights; and Governance factors, which assess corporate leadership, transparency, ethical behavior, and stakeholder engagement. ESG criteria help stakeholders understand and evaluate a company's long-term sustainability and ethical impact on the world, guiding investment and operational decisions.


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